Further Learning links
Oxford Owl | Maths Zone | Arcacdemics |
Maths Chase | Education Quizzes | Phet |
Top Marks-Hit the Button | TimesTables |
Online lessons from the BBC. | Once upon an adventure – activity pack from the British Library! |
Home learning packs are available to download for Reception to Year 6. |
Free Maths and English materials are available in home learning packs. | Daily phonics lessons |
Free printable packs for children to work through with their parents. |
Free, online mathematical activities for learners aged 3-19. |
Lots of reading and maths online games and activities for children of all ages. |
A daily newspaper for children and their families. |
Free online maths games. | Lots of ideas for Science Engineering Technology and Maths projects. | Free online lessons on coding for children. |