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In Year 3, we expect the children to be:

  • Reading every day
  • Practicing their spellings 4-5 times a week
  • Practice their times tables 4-5 times a week

If you have any issues regarding homework, please do not hesitate to contact me via email on



At Fairway, children are encouraged to read at home daily. We encourage parents/carers to read with their children, discuss new vocabulary and ask questions to check understanding of their book as well as to support accurate reading.

Children’s reading records must be signed by a parent/carer after hearing them read.

Reading records should be brought to school daily and will be checked by class teachers each week. 


Spelling is a skill which needs practise – little and often is the key. Encourage your child to learn how to spell a word by writing it down. Copy the new word and say it out loud, look at it carefully, cover the word, write it once, check with the first word and repeat (SAY, LOOK, COVER, WRITE, CHECK). Encourage your child to say a sentence containing the new word to check that they understand its meaning.

The link to the Spellings list is provided below. 


The maths homework is related to the learning that we do in the classroom. The children must know their 2x, 5x, 10x, 3x, 4x, and 8x times tables by the end of Year 3. Please get the children to practice their times tables on Times Table Rockstars as often as possible - even 5-10 minutes daily. 

The link for TT Rockstars is:

Click on the link below for further ways your child can practice their times tables:

Further Learning Links

Spring 1 Spellings