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Fairway Primary School

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Fairway Whole School Curriculum


At Fairway Primary School, our intent is to deliver a well-rounded, fulfilling curriculum which provides our children with the knowledge and skills that enables a thirst for learning.  We aim to provide a platform from which our children will become resilient, independent learners who are able to think for themselves. We encourage them to be ambitious and responsible whilst respecting themselves and their individual strengths, others and the environment.


Our curriculum is designed to have a rigorous focus on developing the key skills of English and mathematics.  We want children to develop a love of books and the new adventures they open, so reading is pivotal to our curriculum offer. We ensure that all children acquire the ability to decode, become fluent and have good comprehension skills.  In mathematics we want children to become fluent in the fundamentals, be able to reason mathematically and solve problems through applying their knowledge and skills.


Throughout our curriculum we want children to EXPLORE new subjects, develop a good understanding so they KNOW key facts, vocabulary and content in order to COMMUNICATE their learning confidently and effectively.


Inclusion is at the core of our vision and ethos. We have developed opportunities to consider the nine protected characteristics of the Equality Act, British Values and children’s development of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education throughout our curriculum. We look to develop children’s awareness about the lives of others and this work is constantly changing and developing. 



The curriculum is underpinned by the Early Years Framework for Foundation Stage and through programmes of study of the National Curriculum for all subjects in Years 1 to 6. Our curriculum is carefully planned to ensure children’s learning in all subjects is planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on prior learning and provide progression in their learning towards end of year and end of key stage expectations.


The organisation of the curriculum allows children’s subject expertise to develop over time, making connections in learning between knowledge and concepts.


Lessons are planned to:

  • build on prior knowledge.
  • encourage children to think about their learning, to reflect on previous learning and make connections between new and existing learning.
  • give clear learning objectives and success criteria.
  • develop the children’s vocabulary with adults effectively modelling precise and rich language linked to the subject area being taught.
  • give children opportunities to explore subject areas through asking questions and finding the answers through research.
  • give opportunities for children to work collaboratively in pairs or groups as well as work independently.
  • use effective questioning to check levels of understanding. 
  • give children opportunities to communicate what they have learnt.


Through everything we do, we aim to support all children to reach their full potential by enabling children to overcome barriers to learning. Assessment, both formative and summative, is used to inform next steps in learning ensuring that children are building on their prior knowledge and making appropriate progress according to their ability and age.



Our curriculum enables children to:

  • acquire knowledge and understanding of key facts and concepts.
  • achieve consistently well in relation to end of year expectations and end of key stage expectations.
  • produce good quality pieces of work.
  • communicate what they have learnt to others.
  • read widely and often, with fluency and comprehension according to their age.
  • be able to apply mathematical knowledge, concepts and procedures appropriately for their age.
  • become resilient, independent learners.
  • be ready for the next stage in their education.



