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Fairway Primary School

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Fairway Early Years Curriculum


At Fairway Primary School, our intent is to deliver an Early Years and Foundation Stage curriculum that embraces the principles of the EYFS framework and Development Matters.  We aim to build on prior experiences to develop the children’s interest, curiosity, confidence and independence through providing exciting learning opportunities.


Through working in partnership with Parents/ Carers we aim to:

  • promote independence, perseverance and the confidence to ‘have a go’.
  • support the development of social skills, friendships and essential bonds.
  • provide a safe, secure and loving environment for young children to develop, learn and explore.


At Fairway, we encourage children to EXPLORE our broad and balanced curriculum through a mix of adult-directed and child-initiated play, KNOW about themselves, others and their place in our world and to COMMUNICATE their knowledge and understanding confidently and effectively.


We aim to develop cultural capital in our learners, by exposing them to the awe and wonder of our world and all of the opportunities it brings.  We see EYFS as the foundation of the learning journey at Fairway, this will prepare them for the next stage of their education and enable them to become happy, well rounded, confident citizens.


Inclusion is at the core of our vision and ethos. We have developed opportunities to consider the nine protected characteristics of the Equality Act, British Values and children’s development of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education throughout our Early Years curriculum. We look to develop children’s awareness about the lives of others and this work is constantly changing and developing.



At Fairway the organisation of the EYFS curriculum is carefully planned and sequenced to build knowledge and skills in the following areas of learning:



  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)
  • Communication and Language (CL)
  • Physical Development (PD)



  • Literacy (L)
  • Mathematics (M)
  • Knowledge and Understanding of the World (KUW)
  • Expressive Arts and Design (EAD)


Through the implementation of the curriculum we want our children to:

  • play and explore - by being active, creative and critical thinkers indoors and outside.
  • be active learners – by building levels of concentration, overcome difficulties and celebrate achievements.
  • be creative and think critically –developing their own ideas, making links and developing strategies for doing things.


We aim to support all children to reach their full potential by enabling children to overcome barriers to learning. Assessment is used to inform next steps in learning to ensure that children are building on their prior knowledge and making appropriate progress according to their ability and age.



Our EYFS curriculum enables children to:

  • develop an enthusiasm and enjoyment of learning and discovery.
  • develop relationships, tolerance of others and respect for other children and adults.
  • develop independence, resilience and a willingness to ‘have a go’.
  • reach their full potential by achieving progress from their starting points building on previous skills and knowledge.




